Professional Development

Following is a list of professional development courses I have completed. For additional information regarding my qualifications as a technical communicator, please see my resume:

Completion DateCertification, Certificate, or Course NameDescription
12 AUG 21MadCap Flare Introductory Training, Web-based (North America)

Madcap Software, Inc.
This live, internet training course covered a variety of topics including getting started with Flare, importing content, creating and editing content, publishing output, etc.

Course Run Time: 7 Hours
12 AUG 21Certificate in Professional Technical Communication

Clemson University
Center for Corporate Learning
Provides instruction for creating a set of eight technical documents of various genres. To demonstrate my proficiency, I was tasked with identifying, researching, and writing on a topic for each genre, while effectively organizing, formatting, and applying styles to the content. After review, all documents were placed in my professional portfolio.

Course Run Time: 140 Contact Hours
20 AUG 21Developing Online Help Using Adobe RoboHelp 2019

Instructs learners on basic and intermediate RoboHelp tasks and demonstrates how to generate project output in multiple formats for viewing on multiple devices, or as a printed manual.

Course Run Time: 4 Hours
26 JUN 20Advanced Certificate Course in Structured Writing for Technical Documentation

Clemson University
Center for Corporate Learning
Six to eight week course in which participants learn the principles of structured authoring using the DITA standard. To demonstrate my proficiency, I completed quizzes and created a documentation set using Oxygen XML for critique by the instructor.

Course Run Time: 30 Contact Hours
25 JAN 20A Quick Start to Technical Writing with DITA

Introduction to DITA, DITA maps, DITA topics, commonly used DITA topic elements, constructing a deliverable using Oxygen XML Author, and producing a final deliverable for shipment.

Course Run Time: 2 Hours
Professional Development Descriptions