Writing Samples

Due to the confidential and proprietary nature of my former work products, I am unable to post actual workplace writing samples. Instead, I am providing the following samples, most of which were created as part of a technical writing certification course offered through Clemson University’s Professional Development Center completed during 2021:

Computer-oriented Document

Quick start guide that describes basic commands and procedures for use in the Vi IMproved (Vim) text editor. This guide was created in MS Word using custom Word styles.

Concept Document

Extended definition that explains the concept of a Content Management System (CMS).

Data Report

Report containing charts, graphs, and discussion of data derived from an extensive report available from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This report was created in MS Word. It contains custom style elements and uses a warm blue theme.

Instructional Document

How-to document that explains how to create heading styles and associate a numbering scheme in a Microsoft Word document.

Proposal Document

A cover letter and proposal in response to a request for proposal (RFP) to provide product inserts for an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone).

Recommendation Report

Product comparison and recommendation provided to a fictitious junior high school for the purchase of an aquarium suitable for a science lab.

Swimlane Diagram

Diagram created in diagrams.net/draw.io to show a high-level workflow for a documentation team.

Technical Article

Article suitable for magazine or online publication that informs readers about the use of artificial intelligence and chatbots for online communications.

User Guide

Contains a combination of reference information and procedures to explain how to navigate and use the diagrams.net/draw.io application for Windows.

Mind Map

Map of high-level topics created during planning and analysis stage of a new document.